Services we offer

Service spectrum

Careers Inc has a well-established applicant database of excellent candidates in ALL the mentioned categories. Extensive experience in recruiting and placement in all categories successful in:

Service Excellence through a professional, efficient yet caring and sensitive approach to all our clients and applicants.

Geographic Area

Our regional capacity covers the Free State, North Cape, Eastern Free State Goldfields and the Vaal-Triangle.

Networking with other specialist recruitment agencies also enables us to present high caliber applicants nationally, including

  • Johannesburg,
  • Pretoria,
  • Durban,
  • East London,
  • Port Elizabeth and
  • Cape Town.

Candidate Database

We take pride in the fact that over a period of approximately 20 years, we have been able to establish a very solid candidate database.

  • Approximately 65 000 candidates
  • Approximately 50 % of database is Employment Equity Candidates

Candidate screening

Screening through targeted selection applies for each and every job category.               

  1. Telephonic screening through selective questioning
  2. CV search
  3. Verification of data supplied by applicant
  4. Thorough interviewing – targeted selection. Specific questions regarding competencies in specified areas of each job category
  5. Reference checking

Candidate assessment

  • Assessment and testing of PC Literacy and telephone skills, are outsourced to Damelin College and The Genesis Group
  • Numeric and language skills assessment is done by an industrial psychologist who works on contract basis, as well as The Genesis Group
  • Personality and psychometric testing are outsourced.


We also cover the following area during the testing / assessment of candidates 

  • Qualifications – yes verification,
  • References – yes, as far as 10 years back,
  • ITC – yes, on short listed applicants,
  • Criminal – yes, Eques Risk Management and Kroll verifies and checks Applicants’    record.
  • Executive and Managerial assessment – yes, The Genesis Group execute specific customized needs of the particular client.


Where to find us

Careers Inc - Recruitment Agency
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